


出生于1452年4月14日或15日,Leonardo da Vinci长期以来一直被认为是有史以来最多的才华横溢的人之一。达芬奇的意大利聚合物,达芬奇为他令人难以置信的绘画和笔记本荣耀,他为自己的发明制作了关于科学的图纸和票据。虽然他没有正式的学术培训,但今天许多历史学家和学者将Da Vinci视为一个文艺复兴时期人的典范 - 一个术语,用于描述许多不同的东西善良的聪明人。他最着名的两个艺术品 - 该蒙娜丽莎最后的晚餐- 在西方文化中举行庆祝的职位最后的晚餐被描述为最重现的宗教绘画,以及蒙娜丽莎被认为是世界上最着名的绘画。

虽然确切的日期是未知的,但莎士比亚的出生日常在4月23日,圣乔治日传统上观察到。随着他的工作,包括30多个戏剧和154个十四行诗,莎士比亚被广泛认为是英国文学传统中最伟大的作家和戏剧家之一。绰号为Avon的吟游诗人,或者只是吟游诗人,莎士比亚的戏剧已经翻译成各大的生活语言,并且比任何其他剧作家更频繁地进行。Few definitive records of Shakespeare’s early life survive, which has led to great speculation, though we know that he enjoyed a successful career in London as an actor, writer, and part-owner of a company of actors called the Lord Chamberlain’s Men (later known as the King’s Men). In 1623 the first collected edition of all of Shakespeare’s plays, bar two, was published. Named the First Folio, this collection became the foundation of the collected works we now know. Though not without its share of controversy, Shakespeare’s work has made a lasting impression on theatre and literature, and many popular sayings and idioms we use today are attributed to Shakespeare’s inventive genius – such as “too much of a good thing”, “cruel to be kind”, “something wicked this way comes”, and “star-crossed lovers”.
